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Using Audio-Visual Presentations to Learn about Nature

Hi, my name is Fern, and I volunteered as an inner-city school teacher after I finished college. Many of my students had never been outside of the city, and although I couldn't take them into the mountains or the forests or even on a field trip to a farm, I wanted to give them a semblance of that experience. I ended up using audio-visual equipment to simulate a natural environment. My students were able to see grass blowing in the wind, time-lapse videos of trees growing, and they were surrounded by the sounds of nature. If you want to use audio-visual equipment to teach kids about nature or any other subject, check out my posts. They will guide you toward excellence.

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Using Audio-Visual Presentations to Learn about Nature

3 Ways To Improve Live Streaming Quality

by Eugene Mitchell

Live streaming productions depend heavily on the quality of the stream to ensure viewers have a clear view of the content they are streaming. When you plan any form of live production, the quality will make a big difference. Learn about ways to improve your quality and have clear visuals of what you are showcasing.

1. Clear Internet Connections

A fast and direct internet connection will offer the best speeds and quality for your live streaming production. You should directly connect your video devices through an Ethernet connection rather than Wi-Fi. The direct connection will offer the most stable speeds.

You should also clear out any other connections to the same internet router. Tablets, cell phones, laptops, and video game consoles can all bog down internet speeds which may impact a live stream performance. Log into your router to see all of the connected devices and disconnect them before your live stream begins.

2. Video Encoders

When using professional production equipment, you need a proper video encoder to convert the stream into something ideal for the internet. A professional video encoder will connect directly to cameras and microphones while providing vital information.

One of the key elements to look for in a video encoder is the network health. Meters will showcase the video quality of your stream and how the stream is performing online. As a broadcaster, it's hard to visualize the stream, but the health status serves as a good indicator.

If you have multiple cameras, then you can use multiple video encoders to keep control over the whole stream. Modern video encoders feature upgraded uses, including capabilities to handle 4K video and impressive sound.

3. Basic Lighting

Even with a fast video connection and advanced video encoder, your production will only look as good as the lighting you provide. Low or poor lighting can dramatically change the quality of your video stream. Improve the lighting with just a basic video lighting kit. A simple light like a ring can illuminate subjects and help cameras capture details easier.

If you have the budget, then purchase a larger lighting kit, especially for any productions done on a wide format like a stage. When comparing footage, you will notice a big difference between the unlit footage and the lit footage. Test out the lighting to eliminate shadows and ensure everything is lit evenly on the video screen.

Using all three upgrades will make a big difference for your video production process. Contact a live streaming service to learn more.
